zondag 6 maart 2011

Green Living - CO2-arm en eco-vriendelijk

Een goede gids voor een CO2-arm maar eco-vriendelijk leven. Staat op mijn boekenplank. Met plezier gelezen en herlezen. En ook hier en daar in praktijk gebracht.

The Rough Guide to Green Living is a fact-filled, user-friendly guide to living a low-carbon, eco-friendly life. The guide provides hundreds of going green tips on all the key consumer areas - from greener shopping and recycling to producing your own electricity and reducing your carbon footprint. Suitable for everyone interested in making a difference, The Rough Guide to Green Living includes a plethora of simple green choices that anyone can try from green living at home, adopting greener travel habits and growing your own, to ethical shopping and getting involved in charities or politics.

Readable, interesting and sometimes surprising, the Rough Guide will help you get your environmental priorities in order and to separate the facts from the myths.

The ultimate guide to all things eco-friendly, low-carbon and energy-saving.

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